Archive for February, 2016


Photographer & Restauranteur Eddie J. Caraeff | ©2016 Mark Berndt | All Rights Reserved



without need for an agenda
Eddie’s on his bucket list trip
in a ’91 VW bus whose original paint
hides the hand-restored mechanics
and muffles the streaming soundtrack
of an artist of the camera, and cuisine.

last Thursday night
he set our mouths on fire
with a meal of chiles and spices
(and their alcoholic antidotes)
and hours of stories
from the days of rock ‘n’ roll.

this is my portrait
of the man I met that night,
who, as natural a chef and raconteur
as any man can be,
made a bee-line for the refuge
of his mean, clean, time machine

the happiest of campers
in a tin can home on wheels.


©2016 Mark Berndt | All Rights Reserved